
Sunday, August 28, 2022

CIRCUS TIME: More Wagon Pics From Baraboo, Wisconsin 1991 - Pt 6

Another batch of circus wagon pics from Baraboo - Enjoy! Opa Fritz

Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie Bandwagon

Ken Maynard Circus Ticket Wagon

Circus Wagon fan-atics facebook Group24 Jun 2022

Pj Holmes

Group expert

Information regarding the ticket wagon from the Bandwagon article. Wagon was on Howes Great London before being sold to Mike Golden for Golden Bros. George Christy purchased outfit from Mike Golden and renamed it Lee Bros and it was on the road for two years after. Sat in South Houston until Christy sold it to Maynard. Maynard used it for two weekends at his ranch and then a stand in San Diego in which Maynard lost his shirt and equipment sent back to his ranch, never to go out again. Click the article to see rest of the story-

Lion & Mirror Bandwagon

Lion and Snake or Lion’s Bride Bandwagon

Miller Bros. Ranch Real Wild West No. 101 Open Top Canvas Wagon

Mother Goose Float with post card from my collection

CIRCUS TIME: Carson and Barnes Circus at Nellis AFB 30 May 1992 - Pt 1

 I've been making a feeble attempt at covering circus tents the past couple of weeks, but it's probably best to show an actual one as it's being erected. Here's an installment that would have fit well in my 'Ed's Travelogue' series but what-the-heck, let's do it now. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

In 1992, while stationed here at Nellis AFB,  I had seen flyer's go up about the Carson and Barnes Circus s coming to the air base. Circus? 

This is the front page to the flyer. I'll feature the entire flyer in another post

On an air base? What? The set-up was on 29 May - a Friday - with performances only on Saturday30 May. So on Friday I was able to get enough time off to snap photos of the set-up (the tie-in to my series on tents) and the next day took the family to see the circus. You'll notice the flyer mentioning that this is 'THE BIGGEST BIG TOP ON EARTH"

This was an awesome experience, watching elephants ort of roam around the field and seeing the circus hands use the big beasts to help erect the Big Top - it was thrilling! This is a good example of a truck circus. No fancy wagons here folks - everything the circus personnel needed was trucked in. Well, let's get this started!

The photos are presented here in the order in which they were taken

VoilĂ , the finished Big Top  - what a thing of beauty!