
Monday, April 29, 2013

H & H Sales Model 40 Hilltop House - Yellow w-Green Roof

Continuing our series of H&H Sales tin-litho houses from the mid-1940s we bring you the Model 40 Hilltop House with yellow walls and green roof. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mattel 2012 1-64 #X4325-0910 Batman-The Brave and The Bold Batmobile

Gonna make this short and sweet. Mattel is a good one for reissuing the same cars with new packaging. Today's toy was issued back in 2010 as #R6456. I don't know if it had been issued before then as well but here it is again. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Premier Plastics & Knock-off Flash Gordon Space Ships – Pt 3 9" Soft Plastic Dart

Last week we took a photo tour of the Premier Plastics Flash Gordon 9" hard plastic space ship of the body type I have dubbed 'The Dart'. This week we're looking at the soft plastic 9" Dart. Besides the obvious difference between hard and soft plastics, you'll notice there are no moving wheels on this version. Instead there are three struts integrally molded into the body. The remaining details found on the hard plastic version can be found on this one such as nine windows or ports behind the cockpit and no platform above the engine nacelles. Now here's the caveat - I don't know whether any of the soft plastic versions of any body style were Premier. They could very well have been knock-offs, and there are some which we'll cover later that are most certainly knock-offs. But knock-offs by who? That remains a mystery as there were so many companies copying each other it's impossible to tell who was ripping off who. Enjoy!

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Pink Moon

Okay - today started weird. I had scheduled a day off for today and was hoping to sleep in. Can anyone tell me why the wife and I are outside at 4AM taking pictures of the Moon? LOL Anywho, here's a couple shots of what they call 'The Pink Moon'. of course, it didn't look pink here in Vegas so I took the liberty of changing one of the pics :-) Enjoy!

With a little help from Photoshop it really is a Pink Moon
Why is it all of a sudden I want to listen to Pink Floyd?

My wife stayed with the Moon until it set in the west

...she also caught this hungry duck trying ti nibble at it!

As for me, I was having fun on the computer. Haven't featured a dragon here in awhile