
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Marx - Marxville Accessories - Pt 5

Our last installment of Marx plastic accessories for their O-gauge trains was way back in January. Ya know, I've said it before but I'm easily distracted and simply got caught up with other things. The photos posted today are a bit old but serve the purpose well enough. Basically, I've been going through my photo files sequentially by item number so here's what we've got today:

-#0165 Water Tower
-#0211 Semaphore
-#0214 Crossing Signal
-#0217 Crossing Gate
-#0218 Crossing Watchman Shed

Enjoy! Opa Fritz and Oma Bettina

#0165 Water Tower

You take the top of the tank from a Marx #065 Water Tower and plop it on the tower from the Marx #0465 Water Tower w-Bubbling Tube and voilĂ  you get the #0165 Water Tower!

#0211 Semaphore

The following accessories are all track activated and they pretty much work like a charm. Occasionally they need a little tweaking but the design is sound. All come in several colors and were available as separate sale items or in sets.

#0214 Crossing Signal

#0217 Crossing Gate

Marx #0218 Crossing Watchman Shed

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