
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Processed Plastic Apollo Moon Rocket v3

It seems like every time I turn round Processed Plastic is throwing a curve my way. Masters at recycling toys they swap out an applique' here, a color there and voila' a 'new' toy!

Here's a pic culled from eBay showing a carded version of what PP calls the "Apollo Moon Rocket", yet clearly it is a Gemini capsule not an Apollo! I've labeled this 'Processed Plastic Apollo Moon Rocket v1' because I have a photo of a known packaging calling the toy an 'Apollo Rocket'. Notice it uses the 'USAF" applique' in vertical script on the rocket.

 My sample is in the same colors however the first stage is different. On my sample the rocket nacelles are flush with the outside of the fuselage. Notice the applique's do not mention 'Apollo'.

Here's another sample that I refer to as Processed Plastic Apollo Moon Rocket v2. In this one the plastic parts all match up to the carded version shown above. Here you see the engine nacelles are flared. The biggest differences are: -The flip-flop colors 
-The applique's is clearly labeled 'APOLLO" in bold, horizontal script on the first stage
-The capsule is closed. There are no openings to show off the two astronauts

Now let's get on to the latest sample which I've labeled Processed Plastic Apollo Moon Rocket v3. All the castings are the same as v2 however in lieu of the 'APOLLO" sticker, on the first stage there's an American flag on the capsule. After looking at my v2 version there doesn't appear to be any residue from a sticker on the capsule so this may be one of PP's inexhaustible hocus-pocus acts.

 The Processed Plastic fleet as it stands today with size, color, and applique' differences.


  1. I had this. Thanks for posting!

    1. You're welcome! PP made a bunch of rockets but I only had one as a kid - the kind seen 3rd or 4th from the left in the photo above.
