
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Back to Hogwarts: LEGO Set No. 76413 Room of Requirements Pt 3 The Grey Lady's Room

I'm no LEGO expert and my collection is quite small, but it even to me it was odd that LEGO billed this set as having a separate room for Helena Ravenclaw - the Grey Lady. When looking at the box art, it appears as if there's enough parts for two separate rooms, the larger Room of Requirements as well as this smaller room. But that's not the case. Instead, once the main structure is complete, if you want to have a separate Grey Lady room, you must partially disresemble the main structure and rebuild the pieces into her cozy little nook!

The completed build

The first step in assembling the Grey Lady's room is to take off the balcony assembly to the far left, and removing the witches cap cupola.

The room to the left, and that assembly immediately to the right of it are the basis of the Grey Lady's room and need to be taken off.

Once those two are removed, the assembly with the arch is placed atop the room and there you have it - the Grey Lady's own little hideaway.

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