
Monday, June 3, 2024

Lido 50mm Humanoid No. 1 - Bronze HP

Wellll, we're sorta, kinda finished with the Lido 50mm Alien series. There's one last pose meandering its way through the USPS (U Suck Postal System) and I might even get it this week. When he comes in I'll photograph him and post it. 

Here's the set of four 35mm humanoids which I've already posted. Like the 35mm poses, the 50mm set had 8 aliens and 4 humanoids. I think. 

Here are the humanoids as listed on the Toy Soldier HQ website (you'll notice there's only three):

These three are definitely a part of the series (the guy on the far left has a piece broken off)

This one here is very 'iffy'. The photo was sort of tacked-on with the write-up for the other 50mm humanoids on the Toy Soldier HQ website.

Obviously this is an entirely different pose which begs the question:
Did Lido produce a fourth 50mm Humanoid figure to match with the 35mm poses? Was it ever catalogued anywhere? Does anyone have an example out there in the real world?

All that being said, I only have two of the three poses (or four if you include Mr. Iffy) in my collection to post. Oh, BTW, I labeled the guy in this post 'Humanoid No. 1' because he's the first 50mm humanoid to get photographed - no other reason that that (as a fatter-of-mact, I labeled him as 'No. 4' in the 35mm series! Who cares? He's 1-of-4 okay!? There's no established naming convention yet). Enjoy! Opa Fritz

(L) 50mm (R) 35mm 

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