
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Unk Mfr (Unmarked) - 50mm Alien - White SP

Here's a nice little plastic alien dude I got sometime last year? year before? - ummm, when did I get him? - oh hell, who cares. Anywho, he's one of a growing contingent of  'Little Grays' in the collection. They all follow the same body type as what we now consider the iconic 'gray alien' type but funny enough, none of mine are actually gray. They're all some shade of green or white. Anywho, he was in the tote bin of spacemen I've been trying to photograph over the past few months so might as well present him here right? He has no markings at all so I don't know where he was made or who made him - any bets on China? His sculpting is very basic with no real detailing to speak of - can you say 'cheap'?  Enjoy! Opa Fritz

(L) Weird, skinny 40mm Atlantic alien (R) 50mm Unbranded alien


  1. The skinny alien is Atlantic Ed, can't remember if it's one of the Albator/Harlok ones or from the Goldrack sets, without looking! The one on the right looks like one of the Imperial 'Alien Invaders', who's lost his eye-paint.


    1. I stand corrected - Thanx Hugh! I'll change the post to reflect 'Atlantic" so that future readers won't get confused.

    2. Oh BTW, knowing it was Atlantic made it a lot easier to find on the Toy Soldier HQ website. He has the Atlantic figures this guy came with as 'Vega'. I know practically nothing about Atlantic space toys and have no clue what lines of figures they produced.
