
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Lido 50mm Humanoid No. 3 - Silver HP

After some delays I can now finish off the Lido Humanoid series as well as put a cap on the Lido Space Port / Satellite Men series. In addition, I'll have a couple of nice additions to Lido's space toys and one very special contribution! For now though - Enjoy! Opa Fritz

(L) 50mm (R) 35mm
Yet another example proving that the smaller figures weren't simply pantographed down from the larger figures (or visa versa). While I'm 99% certain the two sizes of figures were separate sculpts, I'm now of the opinion that they were done by different individuals! Maybe. Maybe not. That's total conjecture on my part, but it just doesn't look like one person sculpting both series - too many differences.

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