
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Little Clarification on MPC Figure Sizes

I'm not 100% conversant on MPC figures having mostly their Ringhands and a TON of astronauts. That being siad, I know that somewhere out in The Cave are more Cowboys and Indians but I haven't looked them over for some time. Okay, anywho, I was given a lesson in terminology by Kent Owen Sprecher (Toy Soldier HQ - see sidebar) who stated that although these figures - which are clearly 54mm - are considered 45mm by collector's!!! I haven't yet pulled one of my Marx (or other) 54mm figures to do a side-by-side comparison but I can see that these would be smaller. Soooo, apparently way back in the day when toys were started to be differentiated by millimeter sizes, a near sighted collector either a) didn't have a ruler handy delineated in millimeters or b) couldn't read the ruler he had and figured, "Oh hell, let's just call these 45mm just cuz!". Unfortunately, here we are decades down the road and this stuff has been carved in stone **sigh**

So fine! MPC 54mm figures are 45mm and if we don't want to confuse other collector's by calling them the wrong thing we then need to get used to poor terminology!

Opa Fritz

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