
Monday, May 27, 2024

Processed Plastic Chevy Flatbed Truck - Blue SP with Black Wheels

I really like this Chevy flatbed and given the various colors it came in, I think I'm a bit partial to the blue. Back in 2016 we posted one of these that a previous owner modified for use as a USAF truck.

Today's version is simply the off-the-shelf civilian type truck. BTW, all of these PP cars and trucks look great on an-O-gauge train layout. IMO they work better among Plasticville or Marxville type buildings. Without trying to do all the math, I would say they work out as being about 1/48 or 1/50 scale. On my larger layout I tend to prefer 1/43 scale vehicles (mostly because there's a huge variety), but on my smaller Edge of Town micro-layout, these look right at home. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

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