
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Eldon (Payton?) No. 908 OD Combat Tank Transport with Eldon Tank

Okay, this thing has me confuzzled (my granddaughter's term for confused). After taking photos of the truck carrying the Eldon tank, I now believe that Eldon probably sold the tooling for the truck to Payton. The axles for the wheels - which are all intact - on this truck are too short, thus not allowing the tank to nestle down between them as it should. I can allow for a certain amount of shrinkage over the years, but not this much, and after all, the wheels are marked 'PAYTON'. Anywho, look at the photos and see for yourself. Be Blessed and Relish Life! Ed

Look at how those wheels are splayed out after gently coercing the tank onto the trailer

This is how the original Eldon tank looks when simply placed atop the trailer...

...and how it looks after squeezing it between the wheels

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