
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

LP (Lik Be Plastic and Metal Factory, Hong Kong) 50mm Aliens - Pt 7 FINAL Pose 6

We've reached the final pose for the 'LP' 50mm aliens. This small series was a bonus because, up until a couple of months ago, I didn't even know these figures existed. So I'm totally stoked to be able to present them here on the blog. I was hoping to do a bit of a diorama setup but, to-date, only managed a few quickie photos on my home-made shelf display. I do have a couple of surprises in the works in regards to the Lido space figures - I said that weeks ago, but I keep adding to the collection and haven't finished photographing them yet - but here's a small preview

SPOILER ALERT: This photo was taken weeks ago, but with several new acquisitions, this is incomplete and new photos need to be taken!

Enjoy! Opa Fritz 

As a recap, the entire set is shown here

The last pose

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