
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Las Vegas NV;The Moon & Star 19 Dezember 2013 Der Mond und Stern

Hello Everybody! Enjoy the Moon and Star from This Morning.Have a Wonderful Day From The Berg's

Still don't know what star that is to the right. The camera was pointed due east around 5:42AM this morning.


  1. I like the toys you post but done really understand what a blog is, I've looked around on your site but don't see anywhere or how to contact you via email.

    1. Dave, a blog is nothing more than a way of sharing thoughts, hobbies, or photos on-line using simple programs with templates already written and designed by others. I had a website once but it was a real pain to update. Switching to a blog format was more user friendly and faster. I like toys and collect them and I started the blog to highlight toys in a way that the normal 'coffee table' books don't allow for. Coffee Table books only show one or two photos of any given subject but always left me wanting more, so I like to provide photos from many angles. Bettina joined the blog as a co-author this year after getting interested in photography and she posts some really great pics almost daily. As for the e-mail address we keep our profile private and have only just recently re-opened the comments section. Feel free to post any questions here in the comments and Many Thanx for your interest!
