
Monday, June 19, 2023

Depressed but Busy - More Space Art

Soooo, this past Friday evening I noticed something happening to our A/C unit - it wasn't running. The temperature in the house kept rising but the unit wasn't turning on. Saturday morning I called our air conditioning company and the tech gave us the bad news - the unit was shot. The compressor as well as several other components had all failed. My choices? Repair it for around $5k or buy a new HVAC unit for $13 (after discounts). We went with the latter and the company was able to install the new unit later that afternoon. The funny thing is, for the past month or so both Bettina and I had been thinking about when this would happen: the broken unit was already eleven years old and one year past its warranty so it was time. When you consider that there are metal electrical and electro-mechanical components inside a metal housing in the desert southwest - it's amazing they last as long as they do.

So Father's Day was pretty much spent on the computer piddling around with my photos and just not wanting to think about anything...'s pretty much the same today.

All that being said, here's a pic I can post until my 'oomph' for taking photos and blogging returns. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

I've always wanted a large display/diorama base to setup my space toys on and take photos. Well, there's just no room for one out in The Cave so the next best thing is to play with my photos. Here, a Multiple Toymakers Golden Astronaut Pleasure Cruiser is toolin' around the solar system


  1. I know the feeling, and, if we can't make a $12k+ unit that lasts more than 12-years, if we can't make a garden shed that doesn't leak within a decade, how are we going to build starships which will have to perform perfectly, in a vacuum for decades, or centuries!

    1. It is what it is and I'll probably not live long enough to see the next replacement unit installed so what the hell! I certainly won't live long enough to take one of Elon Musks' Mars taxi's!

  2. That was me Ed, the new comment hierarchy is doing my head in! Bloody Internet's falling apart, and it's only 20-odd years old, what does that say for Starship systems!


    1. on the bright side, maybe in my next life the universe overlords will send me to a planet that's worth a s _ _t to begin with!
