
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Marx #T1-12 U.S. Armed Forces Training Center Downsized Cabin

Well, I'm gonna keep it short for right now but still have plenty of pics to share.  I can't let the first week go by without presenting a Marx piece.  We'll start with the beautiful tin-litho T1-12 U.S. Armed Forces Training Center.  I'll provide more information on this piece later but for now let's just enjoy the photos.  Enjoy!

13 Oct: Evening
Well, I had to pound through my reference books to figure out when this building first appeared on the scene and it first appeared in 1958 in the 'Montgomery Ward' Christmas wish book.  It was the tin-litho center piece of the Marx Army Combat Training Center playset.  Previous Training Center playsets included a cabin with a litho door versus an open doorway as seen in this building.