
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

WAS Unk Mfr (Unmarked) - Astronaut 60mm - Yellow SP: NOW Palmer

Yet another of my 'unknown manufacturer' astronauts has been identified thanx to blog reader Hugh Walter! YAY! Three days ago I posted this 60mm yellow soft plastic astronaut as an unknown, but he is most definitely Palmer. That info was on on Toy Soldier HQ website all along, but I have yet to go through each and every one of the gazillion companies and photos posted there so this yellow guy got missed. It's a good thing too, because although Palmer isn't really known for their line of space toys, the set this astronaut came in was really neat. It had a Mercury style capsule, astronauts, ground crew, and even a space monkey as seen in the photo below. Anywho, as with the other positive ID's the files for this figure have been updated. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

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