
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Andy Gard Army Personnel Carrier

When preparing for this post it was interesting to note that these photos were taken almost exactly six years ago. Unfortunately, I have not been active in hunting down other Andy Gard pieces since then, so my collection is sparse. The few I have were the result of people unknowingly selling them as MPC pieces. It was only later that I found out who actually made them.

It's speculated that Andy Gard probably used the same company to make their small line of Army vehicles that MPC used and so they look very similar in appearance. There some differences though that are easy to spot and those are covered below. The vehicle measures: 7" (17.78cm) L x 3.5" (8.89cm) W x 3" (7.62cm) H. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

Courtesy: Toy Soldier HQ

The Andy Gard driver/rider figure is distinctly different from the MPC figure
(L) Andy Gard (R) MPC
(BTW MPC did re-design their driver to a 'slot butt' configuration as well as their vehicles to accommodate them, but Andy Gard stayed with what's called the 'peg butt' attachment method)

umm, how undignified! 😂

(L) MPC (R) Andy Gard
Although this photo shows two slightly different tonal qualities of the olive green, that's not a good indicator of who made the vehicle as colors from both companies could be on the lighter or darker side.

The easiest way to tell if you have an Andy Gard piece: there are no holes in the rear of the vehicle to accept the loading ramp, but there are other differences as covered below

Some more differences:
-The Andy Gard (R) Personnel Carrier is slightly shorter than the MPC version
-The small nub just below the grill of the Andy Gard Personnel Carrier has no hole in it to accept either a flag or MG. 
-The slots in the benches are elongated in the Andy Gard vehicle
-There is no loading ramp on the Andy Gard version

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