
Friday, June 7, 2024

Unk Mfr - 54mm Spaceman - Silver HP (Tudor Rose????)

I stated in a previous post that posting all of these space figures was the result of me finally getting out in The Cave and photographing the figures in my collection. That meant of course going down the rabbit hole of Lido figures (which is almost finished) and also finding figures I have yet to see in any reference books. Like the guy in today's post. After putting photos of him in the  facebook (Meta) groups, the usual crew of experts came up with bupkis. One facebooker did mention that - stylistically - he appears to be Tudor Rose-ish. hmmmm Another one thought he may have been designed as a keychain. After taking a second look at that big round chunk of plastic on the head, it appears as if it could be the remnants of a ring meant to hold the strings of a parachute or a keychain! hmmmm. In any case, I have no clue who made him. Any guesses readers?? Enjoy! Opa Fritz



  1. I think he's one of the Lido ring-head spacemen Ed, they were probably parachute toys, yours is missing his ring?


    1. Thanx for that Hugh! You are now the second person to confirm that (the first one being in one of my facebook groups) and that is a big help. When more than one person can identify a piece, that's a big help. I'm going to post some stray Lido figures in another day or two and I'm gonna re-post this guy with the new information.
