
Saturday, August 11, 2012

1932 Helm's Bakery Olympic Village Physician's House Box

***Before we get to the blog proper, one of our readers says he's having difficulty in viewing the blog. It's probably easier to let him explain:

"ed...i think there is a slight problem with your site...i'm not a techno person...but my guess is it's in the host/server(?)...
when ever i go your blog, i get multiple right after the other...

same when i close out your site...sometimes it takes me a dozen clicks to get out of your blog..."
Is anyone else out there experiencing similar problems?***
Okay, on to the show...
While we still have one more 1932 Olympic themed toy to feature tomorrow, today marks the last of the Helm's Bakery Olympic Village boxes made by the Standard Paper Box Corp. of Los Angeles. This building marks a departure from the others in that it doesn't look like something out of a Ma & Pa Kettle movie. The sign on the front door reads "Dr. Jones Physician" and its California Bungalow, stucco-sided design really does look contemporary to the times. Athletes need doctors to administer to their varied injuries and it is the just what our Olympic Village needs. There are slits on the roof that appear to be used for separate dormer pieces but they don't look as if they've ever been used. Except for the Grain and Milling company which looks like it should have had a water wheel, none of the other buildings have separate pieces other than the basic box construction (four walls and a floor made from one sheet of cardboard plus a separate roof piece as the box lid). The building measures 7 3/4" (19.7cm) W x 6 3/8" (16.2cm) x 4 1/4" (10.8cm) H. Enjoy!

Below is a Model Power O-gauge figure standing in front of the door. As you can see, the buildings are just the right size for an O-gauge layout.

The slots for the dormer don't appear to have been used