I've had a head cold all week and have been feelin' like dookie, but in spite of that I did something which I haven't done in a l-o-n-g time, attended a train meet. For years now Paul, a retired Air Force buddy of mine, has been trying to get me to attend a local meet. Actually, it's an informal gathering of guys who have layouts in their house and each meet is at a different location. After first giving him my usual wishy-washy answer I finally decided to have a go at it and at the last moment decided to attend so Bettina and Shelly went with me and the three of us drove down to Henderson. The hosts, Mike and Mary were very nice and it was great to once again see a model railroad in action. Mike's nicely detailed layout is about 5' x 9' and, like many here in the Valley, resides in his garage. I had recently latched on to an older used Nikon Coolpix camera and this was its first outing. About a 1/4 of the photos turned out blurry meaning next time we go out with it the tripod comes along! Enjoy!
Blogger doesn't allow very large video files so a better version of this can be seen on YouTube at: