
Friday, May 24, 2024

Lido 35mm Spacemen: Lido 35mm Cereal Premium Spaceman 'XIBT' Alien with Staff - Red HP

An Apology and An Update

For the past several weeks I've been referring to Lido's Satellite Man series in two sizes: 54mm and 35mm

WRONG! The larger sized figures are NOT 54mm but rather 50mm as reflected in the Toy Soldier HQ website

Don't ask me what was going on inside my noggin' when I started referring to them as 54mm but it's time to correct my error. I went through all previous posts on the Satellite Man figures, corrected the error and notated the corrections.

The pic of the cereal box showing the names of the various figures bears repeating as we end our look at the 35mm poses and segue into the 50mm series. Tomorrow or the next day I'll start covering the larger 50mm figures. They really do require separate posts as it appears the two size ranges were sculpted separately, but I'll get into that later. 

Anywho, here's today's alien, called 'XIBT' by the fellows at Kellogg's. I don't yet have the larger 50mm figure for this pose. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

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