
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lido 50mm Humanoid No. 2 - Silver HP

I've mentioned that the last figure of Lido's 50mm Alien series was on its way in the mail. After checking its status, it should be delivered sometime today and I can then take some photos of it - Yay!

In addition, I am now expecting the last two 50mm Humanoid poses in the mail. After doubting whether all four Humanoid's were produced in 50mm the last two poses showed up on fleaBay and I was able to buy them. That would actually complete all of Lido's Satellite Men space figure offerings in both 35mm and 50mm. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

Here's our figure posed next to a Lido race car that I've re-purposed as a futuristic car. Nice match.

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