
Monday, June 17, 2024

Unk Mfr (Hong Kong) - Archer Knock-Off Space Paratroop - Red SP

Here's a cool little guy I picked up last year. I like getting these spacemen that are total unknown's to me. Sometimes I luck out and they get identified by fellow collector's, while other times they remain a mystery. This one kind lays in the middle: I know he's an Archer knock-off and I was able to find a picture of a mint carded version of this on-line but the company name appeared no where on the card. He measures 3"/70mm high and is made of soft plastic. My sample is missing the parachute and, because he was unable to stand up on his own, I temporarily glued a plastic base to him for photographs. Speaking of Archer, I have absolutely none of their figures from what I can tell looking in my bins! I gotta get cracking on that! Enjoy! Opa Fritz

Front and back without a base

Clear plastic base glued on to facilitate photography

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