
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Temu Dragon vs. The Pirates

I wanted to do a little quickie photo shoot using the Temu dragon and my pirate toys so I put this together. It's getting too warm out in The Cave to spend much time trying to assemble display's for photography so quickie set-ups like this will be the norm until autumn. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

I envisioned a scenario wherein Pirates who were busy trying to bury their loot on a small island had a not-very-friendly encounter with a sea monster! If I were a betting man, I'd say the dragon was gonna come out on top of this battle. The Pirates lose, the treasure is lost, and another legend is born.

The backdrop is one I painted many years ago for a Christmas train layout. The hill is a leftover terrain piece from an old train layout. The pirate ship is a vintage MPC (the larger of two that MPC offered), and the pirates are repo Marx figures.

While I expected the Temu dragon to be larger, I'm glad it wasn't. It compares in size quite nicely with toy figures. 

A few shots of the set-up.

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