
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

PIRATES: Marx (of Miami) Captain Blood and The Buccaneers Set #4794 (1992) - Pt 4 Toy Street MPC Recast Pirate Ships

Included with the Marx of Miami Captain Blood and the Buccaneer's playset was a set of Toy Street MPC repo Pirate ships. Toy Street was another company of the 1990s re-issuing playsets using recasts from older defunct companies. Based on what I've seen and the few sets in my collection, they produced mostly MPC-based toys. This set of ships is a cut above anything I've seen before or since. Even MPC didn't lavish this detail on its ships (as far as I know). Why? Three things: 

they included a sheet of peel-&-stick appliques to use on both ships giving them extra detail

there was a printed cut-out deck for use on the large ship adding more detail to it 

and there was a length of string with instructions on how to rig the ships. The instructions were printed as part of the ship's log and to be honest may not be a Toy Street feature, but rather a Marx Toys of Miami feature

This post is just to show the overall set and the photo essays for each ship will be separate posts.

Enjoy! Opa Fritz

Of interest is the Union Jack flag. because of the way it's printed on this sheet you cannot use the second (or back) piece. Why? The two images are exactly same instead of. being mirror images of one another and as a result, don't line up. I didn't feel like correcting it for the photo essays so you'll only see one side of the flag.
The rowboat/accessory group

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