
Sunday, December 22, 2024

21st Century #20006 54mm German Infantry Series 3 - Part 4 Pose 3

Tis the season to be distracted. The grand baby woke up early and wanted to use the computer so my planned posts for yesterday are being done today. No biggie. Here's the third pose from 21st century's set #20006 German Infantry Series 3. Enjoy! Opa Fritz

I know it can be done, but firing a machine gun like it was a Luger - and hoping to hit your target - takes some muscle. An old friend of mine used to sell Mac 10 submachine guns and would tell stories of him giving demonstrations of it's 'light weight' by holding it at arms length and firing. However, my friend had huge muscles. Holding that Mac 10 like a pistol was a piece of cake for him.

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